SKYDIVING PLAN: 14.10.-21.10.24
We wil skydive on Tuesday from 2pm and on Sunday all day from Šentvid pri Stični. Welcome to sign up!
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SKYDIVING PLAN: 14.10.-21.10.24
We wil skydive on Tuesday from 2pm and on Sunday all day from Šentvid pri Stični. Welcome to sign up!
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Tandem skydive

Do you want to feel the adrenaline rush and the beauties of skydiving, even though you know you don't have enough time to pursue a new hobby? Have you given up looking fort he best possible present for your husband, coworker, business partner, girlfriend or best friend? A tandem skydive, or a gift certificate for a tandem skydive is the perfect solution for you!

Tandem skydive procedure


Arrival at the airport

You should arrive at the airport at least 30 minutes prior to the skydive.

Preparations for tandem skydive

The tandem pilot wil assign you the required equipment - suit, helmet, gloves and glasses. The preparations last around 10 minutes. During this time the instructor will present you the equipment and will inform you about the procedures in the plane, during the skydive, the required body position when skydiving, steering the parachute and safe landing.

Panorama flight

After around 10-15 minutes the plane will reach the altitude of 4200 meters (13 800 feet). During the flight to the jump altitude for a tandem skydive the instructor will show you the landscape, inform you about the current height and make sure you will stay relaxed till the jump.

Tandem skydive

The essence of tandem skydive is the adrenaline of jumping off a plane and the freedom in free fall. The adrenaline rush at jump off the plane is quickly replaced by the feeling of hovering and pure freedom at 200 km/h.

Flight with the parachute

At the altitude of 1500 meters, the tandem instructor will activate the canopy. From that moment on, the speed and the wind is replaced by a feeling of calmness, while you glide under the canopy through unlimited space. The tandem instructor will give you the commands, and with his help, you will be able to ride the canopy until you reach 300 meters of altitude. That’s when the instructor will take the control, and land softly and safely.

After the landing

When you will be back on the ground you will wish to relive this experience with the next plane. As a souvenir you will receive a diploma.

Tandem skydive locations

We perform tandem skydives on different airports across Slovenia, but always from 4200m (13 800 ft) above the ground, using our very own turbine airplane – Cessna 206 PT6. We arrange the location of the skydive by phone – you can pick either one of the pre-determined locations:
Occasionally skydives can be arranged at other airports as well but this mainly depends on demand and the availability of the airports and our airplane.

Price list

Tandem skydive - 4200m
  • Preparations for the skydive,
  • skydiving suit, helmet, glasses, gloves,
  • skydive from 4200 meters (13 800 feet),
  • 10-15 minute panorama flight,
  • up to 60 seconds of free fall,
  • up to 7 minutes flying with the parachute,
  • diploma.
  • Tandem skydive - 6000 M (AGL)
  • Preparations for the skydive,
  • skydiving suit, helmet, glasses, gloves,
  • skydive from 6000 meters AGL (19 700 feet),
  • 20 minute panorama flight,
  • supply of extra oxygen,
  • up to 100 seconds of free fall,
  • up to 7 minutes flying with the parachute,
  • diploma.
  • Tandem skydive from 6000m is not available at the Portorož airpot.
  • VIP tandem skydive
  • Preparations for the skydive,
  • skydiving suit, helmet, glasses, gloves,
  • skydive from 4500+ meters (14 800 feet),
  • 10-15 minute panorama flight,
  • Approximately 60s of freefall,
  • up to 7 minutes flying with the parachute,
  • video and photos taken by cameramen,
  • video and photos taken by the tandem instructor's hand camera.
  • diploma.
  • Professional video recording of the skydive (taken by an outside videographer)
    5-7 minute movie of the whole skydive with music and special effects
    + FREE photos
    Professional video recording of the skydive (taken by an outside videographer) - 6000m
    5-7 minute movie of the whole skydive with music and special effects
    + FREE photos
    Video footage of the skydive taken from the tandem pilot's hand mounted camera
    Photos of the skydive taken from the tandem pilot's hand mounted camera
    Video footage and photos of the skydive taken from the tandem pilot's hand mounted camera
    Video and photos taken by an outside videographer AND the tandem pilot's hand mounted camera.
    Video and photos taken by an outside videographer AND the tandem pilot's hand mounted camera - 6000m
    Surcharge for heavier passengers (over 100 kg, max 115kg)
    10€ discount for groups larger than 5
    Frequently asked questions
    1. The difference between external video and tandem instructor's hand-mounted video?
    Both options cover all the aspects of the skydive - ground prep, flight to altitude, freefall (difference: external video - camera person flies in front of the tandem pair animating the tandem passenger; TI's hand mounted video: tandem instructor films with a camera mounted on his hand), canopy ride (external video only covers the opening of the tandem pair's canopy and the landing of the tandem pair; TI's hand mounted video: tandem instructor films the passenger steering the canopy).
    2. Is there an age restriction?
    The only important thing is that you feel comfortable skydiving. However, the person should be at least 135 cm tall. Persons younger that 18 years need approval of their parents. There is no upper age limit for tandem jump.
    3. Do I need a medical certificate?
    No, a medical certificate is not required for a tandem jump.
    4. Are there weight restrictions and why?
    The weight limit is set by the manufacturer of the tandem parachute, on the total weight of the tandem pilot and passenger. We talk to each person over 100kg individually about the possibility of performing a tandem parachute jump, as safety comes first.
    5. What speed will we reach?
    The speed depends of the combined weight of the passenger and the tandem instructor. The speed also depends of the body position of the passenger in freefall. The minimal speed on a tandem jump is approximately 170 km/h, and the maximal speed up to 260 km/h.
    6. Is it 100% sure that I will be able to jump when I’m arranged to?
    Skydiving is a sport that depends on many factors such as : the weather, availability of the airplane, air traffic control etc., which we have no influence on. We will do our best to get you airborne when arranged, but there is always a slight possibility that you will have to wait for a little while for your jump, or even postpone it. We recommend that you take a couple of hours of your free time for the skydive.
    7. Is it safe to do a tandem skydive?
    Skydiving is a high-risk sport. But the technology has improved extremely, especially in the field of tandem rigs. Our tandem instructors are members of the national skydiving team and they use modern, technically sophisticated skydiving gear, including an electronic device, which deploys the reserve canopy in a case of emergency. Every tandem has two canopies, the main and the reserve.
    8. Has anybody hurt himself on a tandem jump?
    We are proud to say, that no passengers that jumped with our team were hurt. But to avoid any injuries, you have to listen and follow the instructions of your tandem instructor.
    9. Do you jump in any weather conditions?
    No, because it could be risky. The jumps can be prevented by strong winds, thick clouds, rain or even snow.
    10. I have successfully completed a tandem jump. What’s next?
    This is actually one of the most frequently asked questions, due to the thrill after the jump. We offer an advanced skydiving course, so called AFF. By submitting our tandem jump diploma, you are entitled to a discount for our skydive course.
    11. Can the gift card recipient buy video/photos later on?
    Of course! The latest he/she can buy video or photos of the jump is just minutes before the skydive, at the very location of the jump. It is advisable to express the desire to have the skydive filmed/photographed when applying for the skydive, especially if they decide they would like to have the external video option (an extra person jumps with the tandem pair – a cameraman/woman films and photographs the whole process of the skydive), because in this case we have to reserve an extra slot in the airplane for the camera person as well.
    12. Is skydiving something you can do all year round?
    The skydiving season in Slovenia lasts from the middle of March, until the middle of November, when the temperatures are appropriate for skydiving. Every once in a while we organise some skydiving days outside of the skydiving season, but we would strongly advise against it to our customers, because due to the low temperatures and a harsher envoirnment then necessary, you will not get the very best experience possible.
    13. What is the validity of the gift certificate?
    The validity of the gift certificate is 1 (one) year from the date of purchase. Regarding the location, the gift certificate is neutral.