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Skydive jump

An amazing experience - highly recommend it to anyone that would like to live life with more adventure.
Rob C.
We couldn't have had a better skydiving experience! The team was professional, meticulous, and went above and beyond in their service.
Phil H.
100% recommend these guys! I've never dealt with a company that has such great customer service! Super friendly team and the best skydiving experience!
Joe F.
It was a really great experience. The team was super nice, professional and made our skydiving adventure unforgettable! Thanx, Tomaž and Erik!
Julia P.
Brilliant! Professional, friendly and super encouraging!
Jady T.
Vse! Odnos, doživetje...res ste face...ko tudi za sekundo ne podvomiš...HVALA dekleta in fantje...še pridem...
Matej P.
Čudovita ekipa, ki poskrbi za nepozabno izkusnjo! Keep on good work! 
Nives V.
Noro! Super ekipa, čudovita izkušnja! Zares priporočam.
Petra V.
Why skydive with us?

We are national and world champions and members of Olympic Committee of Slovenia.

We have long term experience.

We use modern skydiving equipment.

We are the only skydiving team that owns a turboprop aircraft.

We do our best to ensure safety and comfort, we do not have a record of any injuries.
Our instructors
The Prosti pad instructors crew is made of constantly smiling faces, people that will be your best company on the ground, as well as in the air. We are skydiving instructors, members of slovenia's national teams in the disciplines of formation skydiving, freefly, cameramen/women, and enthusiastic lovers of the endless sky. You can find the rest of our team under the thumbnail TEAM.
Tomaž Hrast
Erik Kocjan
Matevž Cestnik
Matjaž Pristavec
  • skydiving instructor
  • tandem instructor
  • tandem instructor examiner
  • AFF instructor
  • cameraman
  • wind tunnel instructor
  • over 10000 skydives
  • over 500h of accumulated wind tunnel flying time
  • actual national skydiving team member
  • multiple national FS champion
  • skydiving instructor
  • tandem instructor
  • AFF instructor
  • wind tunnel instructor
  • cameraman
  • over 5000 skydives
  • over 500h of accumulated wind tunnel flying time
  • actual national skydiving team member
  • multiple national FS champion
  • skydiving national champion and national speed record holder
  • skydiving instructor
  • tandem instructor
  • member of the youth national team of accuracy skydiving
  • skydiving instructor
  • tandem instructor
  • tandem instructor examiner
  • over 11000 skydives
  • actual national skydiving team member
  • former world champion
  • skydiving instructor
  • AFF instructor
  • camerawoman
  • wind tunnel instructor
  • over 2300 skydives
  • over 200h accumulated wind tunnel flying time
  • actual national skydiving team member
  • multiple national FS champion
  • skydiving instructor
  • AFF instructor
  • cameraman
  • over 5000 skydives
  • over 50h of accumulated wind tunnel flying time
  • actual national skydiving team member
  • multiple FS and freefly national champion
  • tandem instructor
  • AFF instructor
  • cameraman
  • over 50h of accumulated wind tunnel flying time
  • actual national skydiving team member
  • multiple national FS champion
  • AFF instructor
  • cameraman
  • wind tunnel instructor
  • parachute packer
  • over 50h accumulated wind tunnel flying time
  • over 2000 skydives
  • multiple national freefly champion
Kaja Hrast
Jure Cotič
Klemen Svete
Gregor Čolnik
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​​​​​​​Vsi smo že bili tam. rojstni dan bližnjega se hitro bliža pa še vedno nimate darila zanj? Kaj podariti osebi, ki ima že vse? Najboljše darilo ni stvar, ampak izkušnja! Presenetite s tandemskim skokom s padalom za rojstni dan!



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